An inspiration in the community: Brotherhood Boxn.


Brotherhood Boxn makes ripples through their local community. Situated in Greenacre, the local boxing gym was established after the 2005 Cronulla riots, to help direct anger of young boys to discipline and boxing instead of blind rage. Muhummad Alyatim also known as Keefe is the owner of Brotherhood Boxn and active staff member creates a unique environment of sport and religion and has helped many boys and men create discipline and channel their anger to a better place.

Keefe comments:

“Brotherhood Boxn is a community-based club…we try and teach them how to control their anger and their attitude of people out on the streets…They come out on the other side more confident and stronger and are able to have a lot of respect for themselves and for others around them” 

Muhummad is extremely passionate about what he does, and it shows from the people has worked with. Just some of his achievements such as being a community leader, running weekly youth talks with guest speakers, and has an incredible upright character mentoring children and adults alike, not just in boxing but mentoring themselves. He gives support to people of all backgrounds, and anyone is welcomed to be trained in his gym. 

Some of the people he has trained, show his passion and dedication to each individual that walks through his gym. On their youtube channel is students talk about their experience in the club:

“We train together, we pray together, we push each other to achieve whatever we want to get out of this club…its not just about winning, it’s about your character”

Brotherhood Boxn not only serves as a boxing club, but as a refuge for any individual wanting to get their lives back on track. Everyone gets a second chance at Brotherhood Boxn, and rather than focus on professional boxing they focus on creating a community and brotherhood. Further they hold Friday sermons for anyone to participate in. Their faith is strong within their community and influcecnces the boxers greatly

One student said:

“Faith has helped me win a lot of fights, even before we fight we will always pray and gives me that extra push” 

Brotherhood Boxn creates a beautiful community of people, and is doing incredible work with youths, but the place is recommended for anyone and everyone and will surely come out a champion in their own minds and everyone does!

People have expressed their love for Mohummad and Brotherhood Boxn on facebook: 

Mohammad Quadan says “An absolute champion who has been going at it and servicing the community for over 15yrs may Allah bless him. Ameen”

Osman Karolia Says “For well over 25 years, since our teens actually, Mo Alyatim (Keefe) has been a brother, friend and someone I deeply admire. He is the Current NSW boxing team coach because he brings out the best in his fighters physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. My heart is close to Brotherhood Boxn Club because more than a fight gym it’s a community centre offering guidance, discipline and a path to righteousness” 

David Walker Says “Muhummad Alyatim, a man of faith, changing lives in his community through discipline, hard work, BOXING and faith”

Anthany Redward Says “One man I have a lot of time and respect for Muhummad Alyatim”

Check out their amazing club on facebook and youtube.

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