Project Quran
The phrase, “the gift that keeps on giving” has been around for almost a hundred years and was first used by a company promoting the sale of its vinyl records and record players.
The logic: if you give somebody gifts a record as a present, they will keep on playing it. But it is doubtful whether the description, “the gift that keeps on giving” will ever be used more than when describing PROJECT QUR’AN.
You may have already heard or read about Project Qur’an….but this week, we thought we’d tell you a little more about this amazing initiative.
The basic principle behind the English-translated Project Qur’an is for thoughtful Muslims to gift this special copy of the Qur’an to somebody they may know who is not a Muslim, perhaps a Muslim who cannot read Arabic, or possibly a Muslim who may be struggling with his or her faith.
It is the initiative of IQRAA Australia Inc. (
The idea is the brainchild of Project Qur’an founder, Aladdin Elmir, who explained the origins of the concept when we caught up with him recently.

“I suppose it would be 12 months ago now since I first came up with the idea and the wheels were set in motion from there,” Aladdin recalled.
“A few of my mates from University (non-Muslims) were interested in the Islamic faith and didn’t know a lot about it….but wanted to know more.
“I thought that gifting them a copy of the Qur’an would be a practical and ‘non-pushy’ way to introduce them, and others, to Islam.
Aladdin Elmir
“When you think about it, everybody loves and appreciates a gift, and in the case of the Qur’an, it is a gift which will last a lifetime and have livelong effects on people, hopefully.”
The beautifully presented Project Qur’an is printed in Turkey and gift-wrapped individually by a group of volunteers here in Sydney.
Although the cost of shipping each volume to Australia is $40.00, if you are interested in obtaining a copy, you can do so, free of charge, at
Then the choice is yours as to whom you gift it!
The only charge you will be asked to pay is the $12.00 shipping fee.
Dean Mousad, the well known and immensely respected director of the amazing charitable organisation Brothers In Need, is one of the other driving forces behind Project Qu’ran, along with Elmir and a third inspirational co-founder Nour Kabbara.

“Every month, Dean gets a group of volunteers together to prepare the Books for delivery, and it’s quite an operation, given the number of volumes which are being distributed,” Elmir pointed out.
As far as his involvement in the project is concerning, Mousad, attacks the task with his usual enthusiasm.
“The figure varies from month to month, but since February, we have distributed 2,500 copies,” Dean said.
“Look at it this way….the Qur’an didn’t come down here to be hung on our walls or to collect dust on our bookshelves”.
Dean Mousad
“It’s meant to be implemented in our lives completely and this is a great and proactive way of introducing new people to Islam.”
Dean, Aladdin, Nour and Mohamed ventured to New Zealand together earlier in the year following the tragic, fatal shooting murders of dozens of Muslim worshipers at two mosques in Christchurch on March 15.
“We gifted 250 copies of the Qur’an to visitors at the mosque over two days….it was the least we could do,” Aladdin said.

The group was introduced to New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who won countless friends among the Muslim community and captured headlines worldwide for the touching, compassionate and respectful manner in which she has publicly dealt with the aftermath of the tragedy.
One of the many features of this magnificent publication is a short but extremely thorough and informative biography of Muhammad PBUH.
The Appendices of the Book include:
* Introduction to the Study of the Qur’an.
* The Unique Qur’anic Generation,
* Preservation and Literary Challenges of the Qur’an.
* Scientific Miracles of the Qur’an.
* Old and New Testament Prophecies of Muhammad PBUH.
* Women in Islam.
* How do I become a Muslim?
* Short Guide to Ablution and Prayer.
* Frequently Asked Questions about Islam.
The Qur’an is the word of the Ever-living God. It has been sent down to guide humanity for all times to come. No book can be like it.
As you come to the Qur’an, God speaks to you. It is the encounter of Life with the Life-giver. Within it lies the answers to our questions about our existence.
“God – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-lasting, the Sustainer of
(Qu’ran 3; 2-3)
He has sent down among you, (O Muhammad), the Book of Truth
as a guidance for the people”
Get behind and support this great initiative by liking and sharing their page here Project Qur’an
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